Excerpt of the Radio Log "U-89" |
Patrol from 6.6 - 21.8.42. |
Outgoing 1745/14/196 18.10 hours. |
Was forced off by escort at highest speed in direction 300°T. Naval square CF 3154. |
Outgoing 16.26 hours 1618/14/190. |
Have contact on convoy. U-89. |
Outgoing 18.44 hours 1830/14/ . |
Artillery fire. Escort comes up slowly. Square 3119. |
Outgoing 07.31 hours 0731/16. |
Forced to submerged for 31 hours. Depth charge damage. Hope to repair with on board means. Am missing Serial Nos. 128, 129, 148-177. No compasses. |
Outgoing Radio Message 03.55 hours 0032/17. |
Position square BE 88. No navigation fix, fuel inventory more than 70 cbm, contents of main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank questionable 2 port leaked. Port diesel piston seized. Gyro compass again in service. Anticipate fully operational 20 June. Heading for ordered square. Confirmation of my radio messages not received due to depth charge damage. |
Outgoing 05.40 hours 0515/19/131 Kr.Kr. |
Illuminated Portuguese steamer TZ 19, course 310°. |
Outgoing 10.55 hours 0903/10/260. |
Since 6 July days on the bottom square MM 4878 to 7229, nights 4799 to 7217. 4 nights no traffic inside the 20-meter line. Slight deep channel traffic, in and out only neutral, days sound bearings, Heavy sea surveillance, PC-boats, slight air. Believe unnoticed up to now . . . |
Outgoing 06.17 hours 0330/24/272. |
After 13 hour pursuit by sound bearings from naval square CB 1234 to 1723 contact with convoy. 12 knots, course 210°, by fog signals 3-5 steamers. Day surface attack in thick fog on large tanker thwarted by destroyer. 2 fan on destroyer, good data. Artillery fire at 200 meters. While crash diving 2 sharp detonations. 4 hour sound pursuit at depth A -15 meters, no contact since 23 July 15.00 hours. 72 cbm. . . . |
Outgoing 06.00 hours |
Outgoing 06.00 hours 0407/29. |
Searched CB 1723, BA 9956, BB 7826. Traffic only on route reported on 24 July. 25 July Canadian fishing schooner sunk square CB 1295. 26 July artillery against schooner thereafter aircraft and perfect underwater locating . . . |
Outgoing 05.58 hours 0420/2. |
BA 9969 to BB 7844 searched without results. 7 days 9 times submerged locating, strong air, 52 cbm, Position CB 1672, calm, 1021 mb, +20°C, hazy, cloudless. |
Outgoing 06.46 hours 0537/5. |
Return transit naval square BB 7814. 43 cbm. . . . |
Outgoing 09.49 hours 0932/16. |
Several smoke clouds in sight, square BE 1895. U-89. |
Outgoing 01.38 hours 0006/17. |
Forced to submerge 4 times by sea and air. Square BE 4232. Convoy course south questionable, 8 smoke clouds. No contact since 10.30 hours. . . . |
Outgoing 01.37 hours 0137/20. |
Position 36 hours off meeting point with escort. U-89. |
Outgoing 06.53 hours 0600/20/93. |
Friday 13.00 hours escort |
Outgoing 14.38 hours 0826/21/14. |
Located at ordered meeting point since 13.15 hours. U-89. |
Outgoing 16.15 hours 1615/21. |
Going to Brest. U-89. |
13.32 hours Incoming 1142/12/75/164. |
Schendel, Uphoff, Möhlmann, Flaschenberg, Heydemann, Vogelsang, Lohmann and U-437 head for square VB 09.. Lohmann and U-437 day's run 80 nm. Intention: Operation on convoy. After passing the longitude of square BF 6111 radio silence except for tactically important messages |
18.17 hours Incoming 1740/12/166. |
To Lohmann, U-437, Topp, Heydemann, Vogelsang head for square CM 82. Transit speed. More to follow. |
19.33 hours Incoming 1810/12/80/168. |
1.) Lohmann, U-437, Topp, Vogelsang, Heydemann on 14 June at 08.00 hours be in patrol line from square QM 8184 to 8394. Depth 20 nm. 2.) Schendel, Uphoff, Flaschenberg, Möhlmann on 15 June 00.00 hour be in square CI 39, 3.) Boats form Group "Endraß". 4.) Intention: surprise blow against weakly protected Gibraltar - England convoy. Continuous own air reconnaissance." |
16.54 hours Incoming 1635/14. From Topp. |
Hold contact on corvette, starboard forward square 3241, steers 335°. |
13.30 hours Incoming 1150/16/188. |
Group "Endraß": Break off operation. Course west. Immediately report position and fuel inventory by Short Signal. (11 letters unclear) transit "Nazaire". |
19.38 hours Incoming 1643/16/200. |
To Group "Endraß": Head for PB 07at economical transit speed. |
11.45 hours Incoming 1056/17/111. |
Group "Endraß": 1.) Previous objective settled. |
2.) Möhlmann, Uphoff, Schendel, Heydemann and U-437 head for naval square 91 of the large square east of disguised square LX. There supply from Wilamowitz, afterwards operation in the Caribbean area. |
3.) Lohmann, Vogelsang head for square "JN 12". There supply from Schäfer. Then operation in square CA planned. Immediately report if boat is operationally ready for task. |
Incoming 23.30 hours 2300/17/120. |
Meeting point Schäfer, Lohmann, Vogelsang on 19 June from 18.00 hours in FS 1596. If no meeting by 20.00 hours Vogelsang send bearing signals. Boats fill with fuel and 10 day's provisions. Schäfer |
after |
after supply remain in sea area, supply further 3 boats anticipated there. |
Incoming 04.42 hours 1820/3/237. |
To Lohmann: Attack area is sea area west of the longitude and north of the latitude of UO 7999. Focal point off harbor in WN 4760. |
Incoming 03.45 hours 1252/10/264. |
To Lohmann: Traffic from Naval square CA 27 possibly only by day. If operations area seems unfavorable, free to maneuver up to CA 79. Day and night traffic. |
Incoming 04.20 hours 0926/15/285 from Ostermann. |
For 3 nights "Diamond" to "Lookout" nothing seen. |
14.20 hours Incoming 1211/18/232. |
Lohmann operate on traffic that runs from Boston via CB 1110, BB 7770, BB 7760. Mainly convoy traffic. From observations traffic passes Cape Sable at a distance of about 30 nm. |