05.04.43 |
13.44 |
- 274 - |
From U-594: |
Convoy square AK 1698. |
11.50 |
- 277 - |
From Mumm: |
1.) Since 12.00 today no Radio Messages decoded. Question changed keyword. |
2.) 13.44 hours sent Short Signal 1699. |
3.) Enemy position 17.00 hours: 2722, 80°, 9 knots. New navigation fix. Dived before aircraft. Square Anton Karl. |
21.05 |
- 296 - |
From Mumm |
Convoy located 2811, main course east. |
22.45 |
- 301 - |
From U-594: |
Enemy square AK 2821. |
06.04.43 |
03.07 |
- 315 - |
From Karpf: |
01.36 hours naval square AK 0354 sank, type British "NARDANA". Request orders, 21 cbm. |
03.30 |
- 316 |
From Brosin: |
02.15 hours star shells shot by destroyer. Naval square AK 2672. |
22.15 |
- 317 - |
From Kummetat: |
In the last night during attack forced to submerge by destroyer. Listening, sounding, depth charges. During subsequent pursuit straggler from another boat shot before us. Strong sinking sounds. Air bubble trace. AK 2385, 28 cbm, all torpedoes, return transit. |
03.35 |
- 319 - |
From Mumm: |
01.15 hours during attack star shells and artillery fire. Listening pursuit, no contact. |
23.57 |
- 321 - |
From Lange: |
Naval square AK 2521 at 22.00 hours 9000 GRT tanker course 30°, 11 knots sunk with 3 hits. 9 Etos, 6 unusable, A-tos, 85 cbm. |
06.04.34 |
01.08 |
- 325 - |
From U-594: |
Enemy position square AK 2697, course 90°. |
09.08 |
- 327 - |
From Brosin: |
Naval square Anton Karl 2666 convoy 4 vessels NE-course, 7 knots. |
3-miss on star shell shooting suspicious 4000 tonner, straggler. Forced off by destroyer. Out of service also control room periscope unusable at the moment. 9 Etos, 2 Atos, 12 cbm. Going to supplier. |
13.34 |
- 334 - |
From Mumm: |
10.35 hours AK 3731 attacked by Boeing. Damage still not assessed. Moving off. |
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